This is a supplementary training blog. My main blog is here, or you can follow me on twitter

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Week 28

Monday 24 August

Tuesday 25 August
Gym before work. Usual workout, including some free weights with the 12kg bar.
Swapped 10 min run for 10 min crosstrainer, because I've still got achey kness.

Wednesday 26 August

Thursday 27 August

Friday 28 August

Saturday 29 August
Travelling to Orkney

Sunday 30 August
More travelling...

Monday, 17 August 2009

Week 27

Monday 17 August
Climb @ the Unit. 2 hours. Trying a Font 6b problem, with a nice throw for a hold on the volume, will have that next time I go down.

Tuesday 18 August

Wednesday 19 August
Run, approx 2 miles. Death on a stick. Hill, massive stitch, overwhelming & unbeatable. Ended up walking, out for 30 minutes. Disaster. Resolve to run daily, short runs, with hills.

Loosing your fitness, so quickly, is so demoralising.

Thursday 20 August
Run (same route as yesterday). Not as bad this morning. 25 minutes (including a stop for a chat with someone I know). Almost got a stitch, but ran the whole way. It's becoming clear : hills kill me. More training required.

Side note: Since I started 'paying attention' to my gait & breathing, running has become harder. I can't not pay attention now though - even though it's hindering rather than helping things.

Friday 21 August
Run. 4 ish miles after work. Felt a little bit like I was going to get a stitch, but my slow plodding along seemed to assuage that. Felt a bit unworked afterwards. Need to push myself harder next time. Knee/shin giving a bit of jip though.

Saturday 22 August
Gym am. Normal routine, except 5 mins on treadmill & cross trainer before and after instead of 10 on treadmill at the start and 10 on crosstrainer at the end.
Also added some extra weights using the 12kg bar, just 2 sets of 8 curls and 2 sets of 8 shoulder presses.

Sunday 23 August
Bike ride, not far, probably 7 miles. Kite flying, deer stalking, pop drinking and lolly ice eating. Fun.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Week 26

Monday 10 August
Climb @ the Unit, first time in ages.
Managed 1 1/2 hours, tried to set myself some trickier problems but find I tend to set myself problems I can flash, rather than problems that challenge me. Gareth set me a problem that took a couple of goes, which was a good balance between challenging & still possible.

Tuesday 11 August
My parents were feeling very neglected, so I sacked off the gym & visited them instead this eve.

Wednesday 12 August
Gym before work. God I could tell I hadn't been for over a week. Disappointing performance with the shoulder press. Must apply myself more, otherwise the improvements I've made so far will be lost.

Thursday 13 August

Friday 14 August
Devon - surfing off Woolacombe for about 4-5 hours today.

Saturday 15 August
Devon - surfing off Woolacombe for about 4-5 hours today.

Sunday 16 August
Devon - surfing off Woolacombe for about 2-3 hours today.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Week 25

Monday 3 August

Tuesday 4 August
Run 4 ish miles

Wednesday 5 August

Thursday 6 August

Friday 7 August

Saturday 8 August

Sunday 9 August
Climbing @ Robin Hoods Stride in Derbyshire.
Quite warm & sunny for a grit day, but super nice non the less. Ticked a couple of 6a problems.